Saturday 9 November 2013

Very Convenient but no tissue

Some time ago I decided to keep a Facebook Janet Poole Artist page in preference to maintaining this blog. I figured that not many people ever saw this, and as I really need to promote my art presence it would be more effective on a platform where I know people do look. However, I missed the opportunity to chat about my process and thoughts about what makes me paint, so I am back. I will slowly catch up and insert posts about what I have been doing this busy summer. Excuse me please if some seem out of sequence, but probably I will be the only one that notices (especially if I am the only one who reads this).

We are back in Pralognan for a week only, and as we flew here only with hand baggage I have only watercolours. That put paid to my vow to do 12 months of oil painting (in order to progress my facility with that medium). Nice day so jobs can wait until tomorrow when there is a dreadful weather forecast.

It is so long since I painted plein air with watercolours that I completely forgot to take a pencil or kitchen paper for blotting and water control. Halfway up a mountain, no car (D gave me a lift up), will have to manage.

It is jolly cold in the shade (5 degrees centigrade) so had to sit in the sun, which in October limits the options. This is a public convenience on the trail up to Prioux at the Pont de Gerlon. Not a very inspiring scene in itself, but it was in full sun, I did have to keep moving around because the inconsiderate sun kept hiding behind monster pine trees, but those same trees provided some shadow patterns that helped make the composition more interesting.
A few groups walked up the track behind the building and I toyed with the idea of including them but I had already painted in the darker shadows and not having the wherewithal to lift out the dark paint I ducked out. What do you think? Would it be better with people in?

I had forgotten how much I enjoy painting in watercolour.

'How convenient'

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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